Czech Tomato


Homegrown Seeds from Members

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Iowa Member

Available: Yes

Beefsteak tomato. Flattened pink fruit have strong green coloring near the top. Fruit measure 2-3 inches long, 3.8-4.7 inches wide, and weigh just over 1 pound. Fruit found in clusters of 1-3. BRIX reading 5.6. Indeterminate plants with potato leaf and inserted styles. Early maturing and average productivity when grown in 2016 at Heritage Farm. Tough skin, but flavorful with a great classic tomato taste. Donated to SSE by Jeff Nekola (WI NE K) who obtained it from Walter Bumgarner (NE BU W). Bumgarner stated that the variety was originally from Czechoslovakia and has been in a Czech family in eastern NE for decades, possibly since circa 1900. SSE Accession # 125595

Illinois Member

Available: Yes

Indet. potato leaf plant with a good yield of 12-18 oz pink beefsteak fruit with great flavor.