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About the Exchange

What is the Exchange?

The Exchange is a seed swap, where gardeners from around the country offer seeds they’ve grown (“homegrown seeds”). The Exchange is facilitated by Seed Savers Exchange, a nonprofit dedicated to preserving and sharing heirloom seeds. The organization started with the sharing of seeds within a small group of people in 1975 and has continued to expand over the last 40+ years. The Exchange you find here is a continuation of that tradition and facilitates the sharing and preservation of seeds amongst gardeners. 


The organization maintains a Seed Bank containing over 20,000 varieties at their headquarters in Decorah, Iowa. More than 4,000 of the varieties from the collection are distributed in the Exchange.


Why does it matter?

Participants in the Exchange have saved thousands of rare heirlooms from extinction by connecting with new seed stewards to carry on seed saving traditions to the next generation. Many of the heirlooms that have entered the marketplace in recent years were shared here first, and many more heirlooms are still only found in the gardens of this community.


This grassroots seed-saving community is saving and sharing America’s gardening heritage for future generations. The more people that participate, the stronger it will be. Please join!

Who can use the Exchange?

Anyone can browse the Exchange, but you must have an account on the Exchange to request or list seeds. Sign up here.

What is available on the Exchange and what can I list?

Exchange community members offer thousands of homegrown, heirloom and open-pollinated seeds to other Exchange members. “Homegrown” simply means the seeds were not grown by a commercial operation. We define “heirloom” as a seed that has been passed down from generation to generation within communities and families.


All of the seeds offered by Exchange listers are open-pollinated and non-hybrid; if you grow these seeds into mature plants, the plants will produce seeds that you can harvest and plant again next year. They are also non-patented, meaning that they can be grown, saved, and shared freely. Many, but not all, of Exchange listers offer organically-grown seed.

You’ll also find potato tubers, garlic bulbs, apple tree cuttings, and other non-seed material for propagating new plants within the Exchange.

Shipping and Handling

The prices of seeds in the Exchange are meant to reimburse the lister for the cost of packing and shipping seeds. The seeds and plant materials exchanged on this platform are exchanged for free, in accordance with seed sharing laws. Listers are allowed to set their own prices for shipping seeds, so be sure to pay attention to the profile of each lister you request seeds from. If a lister has not set their own prices, please use the recommended prices:

  • Small Seeds - $3.00
  • Large Seeds and Biennials - $4.00
  • Roots, Bulbs, Tubers, Cuttings and other Non-Seeds - $5.00

Refer to the Using the Exchange page for more information and community policies. 

What is the Yearbook?

The Yearbook is the annual publication which serves as a snapshot of the Exchange website. All listers who have listings active in the upcoming year and have a state in their profile will be included in the Yearbook. The deadline for listings to be updated is November 15 of each year. 

How may I receive a copy of the Yearbook

  • Listers: All Listers are automatically signed up to receive a complimentary Yearbook during the season they are listed. For example, if you list seeds with an expiration date in 2025, you will receive the 2025 Yearbook, which will be mailed in January 2025.

  • SSE Members: Members of Seed Savers Exchange at the $50 contributor level or higher are eligible to receive a Yearbook upon request. You may request a copy by contacting or calling 563-382-5990. Do note that to receive the current edition, you must place your request by March 31. Requests received after March 31 will receive the next edition of the Yearbook.

  • Yearbooks for Purchase: If you are neither a Lister, nor a Member of Seed Savers Exchange, Yearbooks are available for purchase. We have a limited quantity of Yearbooks available for purchase each year so it is best to purchase a copy in early winter before we sell out. 

The 2025 Yearbook is here!

Thanks to all who have contributed listings to the 2025 Yearbook.

The Yearbook is the printed edition of the Exchange, our gardener-to-gardener seed swap.

Printed annually since 1975, the Yearbook is an unrivaled source of unique seeds, grown by home gardeners across the world.

Listers and eligible SSE members receive a complimentary copy of the Yearbook. Copies are available for purchase here.

Questions or comments? Email or call 563-387-5694.