"Big Gig" TOMATO MI, US Large red paste with a nipple at the end. Most weigh 6-10 oz. Very thick walled paste type. Makes wonderful sauce. VEry Few seeds. Doubles are pretty frequent.
"Norwood Purple" Hybrid Mustard MUSTARD-GREENS CO, US No such thing really, a natural cross of Purple Mizuna and Red Giant Mustard (probably),happened on Norwood Dr.
(Allium x proliferum) McCullar's ONION IA, US Vegetative allium. Check IA SSE HF member profile for date of distribution and quantity. SSE Accession # 130223
1 X 6 TOMATO IL, US 85 days, indet., regular leaf, very fine tasting paste type, very dry with few seeds, shaped like a banana pepper
1,000 year old tobacco seeds TOBACCO-NICOTIANA MI, US Tobacco seeds produce large plants with yellow flowers that attracts bees and butterfly’s, grows very well in cold climates, may need to be staked. This tobacco was used by native Americans as a ceremonial tobacco, not sure if it can be smoked? Beautiful and fun to grow.
100 Pudov TOMATO NE, US 100 Pudov is a tomato variety that originated in Estonia. The pear-shaped, ribbed fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. They ripen to a red color over a period of about 42 to 55 days. The fleshy tomatoes have a delicious taste. They are used in salads and cold dishes as well as for sauces and hot dishes. The plants have a very good yield. Secure packaging/extra postage included in listing. Thank You for your interest.
111-621 BARLEY CA, US Originally from India, this barley seems to enjoy growing in the drier, rocky part of the field. A six-row barley, it threshes mostly free of its hulls yielding nice plump grayish blue seeds. VGFP18G3
1500 Year Old Cave Bean BEAN WA, US Found in NM cave in a clay pot sealed with pitch and carbon dated to 1500 years ago.Tall poles needed to support heavy set of pods. Beautiful white seeds splashed with deep maroon.
1880's Butterbean LIMA-BEAN WI, US 90 days, strong climber, small seed, slightly larger than Sieva, half white/half pale maroon, shelly very flat, mild flavor, especially good flavor if harvested while full pods are still green, 45 seeds/oz., PHOTO, 2021 seed
1884 TOMATO UT, US 85 days, Large pink fruit with great, old-fashioned taste. Very good production, indeterminate. Largest was 0.888 lb. in 2011. Late Bloomin' Heirlooms, 2010