"Big Gig" TOMATO MI, US Large red paste with a nipple at the end. Most weigh 6-10 oz. Very thick walled paste type. Makes wonderful sauce. VEry Few seeds. Doubles are pretty frequent.
"Norwood Purple" Hybrid Mustard MUSTARD-GREENS CO, US No such thing really, a natural cross of Purple Mizuna and Red Giant Mustard (probably),happened on Norwood Dr.
(Allium x proliferum) McCullar's ONION IA, US Vegetative allium. Check IA SSE HF member profile for date of distribution and quantity. SSE Accession # 130223
1 X 6 TOMATO IL, US 85 days, indet., regular leaf, very fine tasting paste type, very dry with few seeds, shaped like a banana pepper
100 Pudov TOMATO NE, US 100 Pudov is a tomato variety that originated in Estonia. The pear-shaped, ribbed fruit averages 6 to 8 ounces. They ripen to a red color over a period of about 42 to 55 days. The fleshy tomatoes have a delicious taste. They are used in salads and cold dishes as well as for sauces and hot dishes. The plants have a very good yield. Secure packaging/extra postage included in listing. Thank You for your interest.
1500 Year Old Cave Bean BEAN WA, US Found in NM cave in a clay pot sealed with pitch and carbon dated to 1500 years ago.Tall poles needed to support heavy set of pods. Beautiful white seeds splashed with deep maroon.
1880's Butterbean LIMA-BEAN WI, US 90 days, strong climber, small seed, slightly larger than Sieva, half white/half pale maroon, shelly very flat, mild flavor, especially good flavor if harvested while full pods are still green, 45 seeds/oz., PHOTO, 2021 seed
1884 TOMATO UT, US 85 days, Large pink fruit with great, old-fashioned taste. Very good production, indeterminate. Largest was 0.888 lb. in 2011. Late Bloomin' Heirlooms, 2010
1884 - Strawberry Wedge TOMATO IL, US 90 days, indet., regular leaf, extreme producer for an oxheart type, med-large, very meaty pink fruit, plenty for sauces & processing
1884 Purple TOMATO WI, US 80 days, indet., regular leaf, dark purple beefsteak fruit with green shoulders, 1+ lb., very good flavor, high yields