Fuzzy's Cabbage Collard


Homegrown Seeds from Members

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Iowa Member

Available: Yes

Plants are symmetrical rosettes of large, entire, dark green leaves with white midribs and slight blistering. Mostly uniform population but there is some slight variation in intensity of green color. Semi-prostrate growth habit. Looks like a cabbage plant with slightly drooping leaves, and will form a head if given a chance. Plants reach 2 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide when fall grown at Heritage Farm. Mild flavor, sweet, mellow, tender leaves. Grown by Alton Hall of Cameron, North Carolina. As of 2003, Mr. Hall (aka "Fuzzy") had saved seed of this variety for 18 years, since about 1985, after he received it from another seed saver. In 2003, Fuzzy gave some seeds to Dr. Edward Davis, a professor of geography at Emory & Henry College, who was collecting heirloom collard strains for preservation on behalf of the USDA. Seed Savers Exchange requested this variety in 2016 from the USDA collection (PI 662809). SSE Accession # 133038